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Take action now to stop the access and supply of non-prescription vapes in Australia

Take action now to stop the access and supply of non-prescription vapes in Australia

As a school leader, you will know many parents and teachers who are concerned about young people vaping. They are likely to ask you, what can be done? At Cancer Council we regularly hear from parents and community members about their concerns. 

To help with this, we have developed an easy online form so that people can write to their federal representatives and express their support for vaping reforms. These reforms are currently going through parliament. 

We ask that you share this image (below) with your P&C or school community. We would love your P&C, or class parents/representatives, to also share this with the wider parent community (via WhatsApp groups or email newsletters).  

We encourage your school community to visit our online form and express their concerns about vaping. By showing their support for the reforms, we can bring about real change. 

If you have any questions, or for more information, please contact our team at   

Download the image

Background to the reforms 

The Australian Government is taking decisive action to reduce the devastating harm that e-cigarettes are having on our communities, especially on children and young people. Legislation to bring in these reforms was introduced into Federal Parliament in March, however its passage isn’t assured. 

We need our nation’s decision makers to hear the concerns of their constituents of schools, parents, teachers, and communities to secure their vote and stop the next generation of Australians becoming addicted to nicotine.  

Vaping poses a serious risk to the health and well-being of children and young people. The latest data from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare shows us that vaping has increased significantly, with 18% of 15-24-year-olds vaping. Overall nicotine product use (smoking and vaping) has more than doubled in those aged 14-17 to 10.4%.  

Now is the time to have your school community’s voice heard on this important issue, by urging local representatives to vote in favour of the Government’s new e-cigarette legislation.

Thank you for sharing this message and the above image with your P&C community; and of course you are welcome to include this in your e-newsletters or however you see appropriate.