Vaping: it’s time to act

Use our forms to write to your representatives and urge them to stop the next generation of Australians from becoming addicted to nicotine.

Young Australians who vape are three times as likely to take up smoking as those who have never vaped. The most effective way to act is by asking Senators for your State/Territory to vote for the new legislation to reduce the devastating harm caused by vapes. You can also contact your local MP. 

How to make your voice heard

Take two simple steps to contact your Senators and ensure your concerns are heard and responded to.

Senators are elected to represent the whole state or territory. Each state has 12 senators whilst the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory each have two.

  1. Create your letter. Identifying yourself as a state or territory resident means they will properly consider your concerns.
  2. Email it to your Senators.

1. Fill out the form and generate a letter for your Senators

Tips for writing your letter

Our letter writing generator can do most of the work. It needs just a few key pieces of information to quickly create your letter.

  • Your role in the community and your concerns about vaping. 
  • Your name and location that shows you live in the senators’ state. Your representatives have a responsibility to hear your concerns. 
  • Optional phone number or email address. This gives your representatives the option to follow up with you about your concerns. This is not required, but adds a level of legitimacy to your letter.

Please use the form below to personalise a letter to send.

This letter generator can help you quickly create a letter that you can then copy and paste into your email or print out and send via the post.

2. Send your letter 

This legislation is due to be voted on in the near future. It’s important to get your letters to your Senators today. Use the email address provided.

What are the proposed reforms?

Legislation came into effect on 1st January 2024, stopping the import of non-prescription e-cigarettes at our borders, ending the flood of these inherently harmful products into the country

New legislation is urgently needed to:

  • Stop the access and supply of all single use, disposable vapes, strengthening and reinforcing the prescription pathway.
  • Halt the advertising, supply, or commercial possession of non-prescription and disposable vapes.
  • Introduce measures to reduce the appeal and use outside of the prescription pathway, by introducing minimum quality standards on flavours, colours and ingredients; pharmaceutical like packaging; and reducing allowable nicotine contents.
  • Introduce minimum quality standards where none currently exist on these products.

Why change is needed: 

  • Since 2013, vaping use has grown across almost every age group in our community. More than 30% of young Australians (14-17 year olds) have vaped.  
  • The latest data, from the first quarter of 2023, shows: 
    • 1 in 7 Australians aged 14-17 are current vapers 
    • 1 in 5 Australians aged 18-24 are current vapers 
  • Young Australians who vape are around 3 times more likely to take up tobacco smoking compared to young Australians who have never vaped. 
  • E-cigarettes are not safe and can cause harm. While the long-term impacts are being studied, evidence has found e-cigarettes can lead to addiction, unintentional and intentional poisoning, acute nicotine toxicity, lung injury, and increased smoking uptake in non-smokers. 

Amplify your voice.

As well as contacting your Senators, you can also voice your concerns via your local Federal MP.

Simply search by postcode or name to find your MP and their contact details.

Then, use our letter generator to create a letter that you can copy and paste into your email. You can also print out and post your letter if preferred. 

Find your Member of Parliament

You can search by postcode or name to find your local MP and their contact details.

If you see multiple results for your postcode you can visit the Find My Electorate search on the AEC website and use your suburb to narrow it down.

Fill out the form and generate a letter for your Member of Parliament

Tips for writing your letter

Our letter writing generator can do most of the work. It needs just a few key pieces of information to quickly create your letter. 

  • Your role in the community and your concerns about vaping.
  • Your name and location that shows you live in the MP’s electorate. Your local MP has a responsibility to hear your concerns. 
  • Optional phone number or email address. This gives your MP’s office the option to follow up with you about your concerns. This is not required, but adds a level of legitimacy to your letter.  You can choose to add your email address (optional) so that we can send you a copy of the letter you generated.

Please use the form below to personalise a letter to send to your MP. Alternatively you can download a letter template.

This letter generator can help you quickly create a letter that you can then copy and paste into your email or print out and send via the post.

Send your letter

This legislation is due to be voted on in the near future. It’s important to get your letters in the post or email them today. Use the email address or postal address provided. 

For more information 

Please email

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