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Research Opportunities, Grants and Scholarships

Cancer Council Tasmania

Research Opportunities, Grants and Scholarships

Investment in cancer research is paramount to our ability to fight cancer and improve survival rates and quality of life. Our therapies are only just beginning to be targeted and will increasingly be defined according to molecular characteristics of tumours, such as biomarkers, rather than by location of tumour. 

Research Opportunities & Grants 

Peer-assessed research has led to major advances in our knowledge about cancer and this knowledge has led to improved treatments for cancer. Research also identifies treatments with fewer side effects and leads to more sophisticated early detection methods, which often means better patient outcomes. 

At the beginning of each year, Cancer Council Tasmania allocates funds received from public donations to a wide range of cutting edge cancer research in Tasmania. For nearly 20 years, Cancer Council Tasmania has allocated nearly $5 million to cancer research in this state thanks to the generous support of the Tasmanian community. All research is assessed by experts in the field to ensure that projects with the best chance of success are supported. 



2024 Annual Small Grants Funding – Early Career Researchers* 

*<Under eight years from PhD award

Applications are now open.

Grant pool of $30,000 available for one or more grants.

Cancer Council Tasmania has opened its call for 2024 research funding applications under the Small Grants category.

This includes research on reducing the incidence and impact of cancer on individuals and the community. It includes every aspect of care, from prevention and early detection, that leads to a better outcome, treatment and supportive care. 

This funding round is open to researchers in all faculties and institutes of the University of Tasmania, departments within Tasmanian hospitals and the Department of Health. The Chief Investigator must be less than eight years from the award of their PhD.

Friday, 27 October 2023
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