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About Us

Heather Walker

Chair, Skin Cancer Committee, Cancer Council Australia

Heather Walker

Heather Walker is one of the Cancer Council's experts on skin cancer.

Heather has demonstrated leadership and a passion for advancing our efforts in skin cancer prevention. As Head of SunSmart at Cancer Council Victoria, Heather also leads the state's skin cancer prevention and early detection program and contributes to the World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre on UV Radiation.

Prior to joining Cancer Council Victoria, Heather led work across policy issues at Cancer Research UK, achieving increased investment in the NHS diagnostic and radiotherapy services. Heather is also a Subject Coordinator on the University of Melbourne's Master of Cancer Sciences degree. She holds a Masters of Public Policy with Distinction from the University of Oxford.

Heather is a regular commentator on skin cancer, sun protection and early detection in Australian media. For an interview with Heather Walker, please contact Cancer Council Australia's Media Team on (02) 8256 4109 (the media hotline is available inside and outside of business hours). You can also email the media team on