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About Us

Gemma Lock

Chair, Supportive Care Committee, Cancer Council Australia

Gemma  Lock

Gemma is General Manager, Cancer Support and Information at Cancer Council Queensland and leads Cancer Council Australia’s Supportive Care Committee.

With over 10 years’ experience in nursing and patient care, Gemma understands the impact a cancer diagnosis has on an individual’s relationships, career and employment, finances, physical and mental well-being and day-to-day life. 

That is why Gemma is passionate about raising awareness of Cancer Council’s support services that are available to all Australians living with cancer – including Cancer Council‘s 13 11 20 support and information line, information resources and practical and financial support. 

Gemma’s national role includes guiding Cancer Council’s national supportive care priorities to improve supportive care for Australians impacted by cancer and fostering collaboration between Cancer Council’s supportive care staff working around the country.  

Gemma is available for interview and can also discuss the emotional and physical side effects of cancer and it’s treatment, strategies for coping after a diagnosis, how to access support services, how to support loved ones, talking to kids about cancer, looking after carers and life after treatment.   

For an interview with Gemma Lock please contact Cancer Council Australia's Media Team on (02) 8256 4109 (the media hotline is available inside and outside of business hours). You can also email the media team on