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Narrated presentations

Cancer Council Tasmania

Our cancer prevention team has developed some short, informative videos based on each of our cancer prevention key messages to help raise awareness on how to reduce cancer risk.

This style of presentation allows you to watch them at a time that would best suit the group, you can revisit any part of the presentation and it also allows for those who can’t attend a group viewing to also watch them at a later date.

If you have any other questions, you can contact our cancer prevention team and we will get in touch as soon as possible.


P: 1300 65 65 85 

Cut your cancer risk

Learning outcomes:

  1. Improved understanding that certain lifestyle factors (including healthy eating, physical activity, alcohol, body weight, sun exposure and smoking) can affect cancer risk.
  2. Increased awareness of the national cancer screening programs available and the importance of finding cancer early.
  3. Increased awareness of the cancer risks associated with common workplace exposures.

Please see below for frequently asked questions for individual topics.

Be SunSmart

Learning outcomes:

  1. Increased awareness and understanding of the link between UV exposure and skin cancer risk.
  2. Increased understanding of when to use sun protection.
  3. Increased knowledge of sun protection measures.
  4. Increased understanding of skin cancer early detection. 

Be SunSmart: Frequently asked questions

Be SunSmart in the Workplace

Learning outcomes:

  1. Increased awareness and understanding of the link between UV exposure and skin cancer risk.
  2. Increased understanding of when to use sun protection.
  3. Increased knowledge of sun protection measures.
  4. Increased awareness of work health and safety obligations.
  5. Increased understanding of skin cancer early detection. 

Be SunSmart: Frequently asked questions 

Physical activity, nutrition and cancer

Learning outcomes:

  1. Increased awareness of the link between body weight, diet, physical activity and cancer risk. 
  2. Increased understanding of what to eat as part of a health diet to reduce cancer risk.
  3. Increased understanding of the recommended daily amount of physical activity to reduce cancer risk. 

Physical activity, nutrition and cancer: Frequently asked questions

Alcohol and Cancer

Learning outcomes:

  1. Increased awareness of the link between alcohol and cancer risk.
  2. Increased understanding of the recommended limits of alcohol per week in relation to cancer risk. 
  3. Increased understanding of standard drink sizes for different types of alcohol.
  4. Increased awareness of the way to help reduce alcohol intake. 

Alcohol and Cancer: Frequently asked questions

Let us know what you thought!

We are always looking for ways in which we can improve our services to best suit the needs of the Tasmanian community.

Please complete our quick evaluation survey once you have viewed the narrated presentation.