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Media Release

Cancer Council Australia appoints Tanya Buchanan as CEO

November 5, 2020

Cancer Council Australia today announces the appointment of Tanya Buchanan as incoming Chief Executive Officer, commencing on 30 November.

Cancer Council Australia Board Chair Hugh Harley said, “Cancer Council Australia is delighted to announce the appointment of Ms Buchanan, who will bring extensive experience and skills in public health to the role of Chief Executive Officer.

“Ms Buchanan’s proven track record, most recently as Chief Executive Officer of the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand, as well as her role as Chief Executive Officer of Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) in Wales, sets her in good steed to lead Australia’s leading cancer charity.”

Ms Buchanan commenced her career as a nurse, working in oncology and neurosurgery. She has also worked for Red Cross Blood Service Australia, in academia, local government and the voluntary sector. She is currently completing a PhD in tobacco control at the University of Wollongong, has an MBA in Health Services Administration, a first-class honours degree in English and Comparative Literature, and a B.Sc. (Nursing), as well as a range of vocational qualifications.

In 2011, Tanya won the Leading Wales Award in recognition of her leadership in tobacco control in Wales and was admitted as a Member of the Faculty of Public Health by Distinction for her contribution to Public Health in the UK.   

Ms Buchanan said, “I am thrilled to be appointed to this very important role in Australian public health and to have the opportunity to lead Cancer Council Australia on its mission to create a cancer free future. My five years at Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand have been hugely gratifying and allowed me the opportunity to tackle lung disease head on. I am now excited to be joining Cancer Council Australia and work across every area of cancer. 2020 is a landmark time for public health and Cancer Council Australia has a critical role to play. I look forward to commencing in six weeks.”

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