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Media Release

Celebrate 25 years of Australia's Biggest Morning Tea with Cancer Council

April 9, 2018

For 25 years, Cancer Council’s Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea has brought together millions of Australians over a cuppa and a bite to eat in support for those affected by cancer.

In 2018, the official day to host a morning tea is Thursday 24 May, however anyone can host at any time in May or June. By hosting or attending a morning tea anywhere in Australia, you will help Cancer Council continue our life-saving cancer research, prevention, advocacy and support programs for everyone affected by cancer. 

Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea is the largest and most successful event of its kind in Australia. Last year alone, the simple act of our generous participants hosting a morning tea raised $11.9 million.

Cancer Council Australia CEO, Professor Sanchia Aranda, said this year was going to be bigger and better than ever for one of Cancer Council’s flagship fundraisers.

“We have hosts across the country who have supported us for over 20 years! We are so fortunate to have the support from the community that we do. It enables us to continue our work in cancer research, prevention programs, advocacy and support services. With both cancer diagnoses and survival rates increasing, it’s vitally important that those affected can access suitable services, when they are needed. 

“Cancer affects people in so many ways, and impacts every community in Australia; it does not discriminate. Every minute, every hour, every day, Cancer Council is here to help those touched by cancer.” 

Cancer Council offers all Australians support and information through services like Cancer Council 13 11 20, holiday breaks, a wig service, financial assistance and pro-bono legal advice.* 

This year, Cancer Council hopes to recruit over 32,000 volunteers across the country to raise $14 million. All funds raised through Australia's Biggest Morning Tea will help to support the more than 130,000 Australians diagnosed with cancer every year. 

Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea is the easiest way to bring people together to raise funds that will make a difference to those impacted by cancer. For more information or to register, visit or call 1300 65 65 85. Anyone unable to host a morning tea can still get involved by donating directly to Cancer Council via

*Services offered differ from state to state

Media Enquiries
Please contact Media and Communications in the Cancer Council Australia media team on (02) 8256 4109 or email
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