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End The Trend - Campaign Hub

Resources for the End The Trend Campaign

End The Trend - Campaign Hub

Campaign Summary

The Australian Government and Cancer Council have partnered to encourage young Australians aged 18-30 to #EndTheTrend of skin cancer and adopt SunSmart behaviours.  

2 in 3 Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer in their lifetime, this is almost entirely preventable.   

Young Australians are well-educated about the risks of skin cancer, but they're too busy, forget or don't get around to protecting themselves when outdoors. They are influenced by damaging social norms, such as the media presenting the idea that suntanning makes you more attractive, and unhelpful attitudes like "A suntan makes me look and feel healthy".  

 End the Trend addresses the bad social norms of suntanning, erodes unhelpful attitudes and reminds young Australians to protect themselves from harmful UV by practising the 5 S’s. 

 The campaign was launched on 17 December 2023 with influencers, publishers and brands across fashion, beauty and lifestyle, all delivering content that models and champions SunSmart behaviours in a way that is desirable and aspirational to young Australians.  

Key messages

  • It's time we stopped normalising a suntan. 2 in 3 Australians will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. 
  • Skin cancer: Let's End The Trend. 
  • Just 15 minutes in the sun can start to damage your skin. 
  • UV exposure is the cause of 80% of premature ageing. 

Normalising suntanning is causing skin cancer to trend. 

Facts and figures 

  • Latest research shows most young Australians (74%) believe their risk of getting skin cancer is unlikely.  
  • Almost 1 in 3 young Australians (31%) believe it’s fine to suntan at their age and fewer than 1 in 10 are consistently using all five forms of sun protection – Slip. Slop. Slap. Seek. Slide. 
  • The research undertaken by Cancer Council to inform this campaign showed that the majority of people aged 18-30 desire a tan, and almost 9 in 10 intentionally or unintentionally suntan. 
  • 2 in 3 Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer in their lifetime, this is almost entirely preventable. 
  • Every year nearly 2,000 Australians die from skin cancer, caused primarily by overexposure to UV. 

Calls to action 

Our campaign features a primary call to action:    

  •  Slip, slop, slap, seek and slide. 

You can also use these secondary calls to action across social media:   

  • Stay protected in the sun.   
  • Suntanning, End the Trend. 
  • Avoid a killer tan.   
  • Let’s stop normalising a suntan.   
  • Stop making melanomas.   
  • Use all 5 forms of sun protection.    

Campaign Resources


Discover information on how the sun damages your skin and useful tips on how to stay protected this summer.  

End The Trend 


Share our campaign creative assets with your audience to help #EndTheTrend. 


Download different size options for each social media channel. 

Social media 

Spread the message by resharing our #EndTheTrend social posts.  

Follow, support and reshare content from our influencers!

Resharing and engaging with our influencer content really helps to spread the message. Consider commenting or liking some of the content below, or maybe share it on your social platform and help End The Trend today.


Tess Alexander 

Baxter Backpacks 

Lydia Gavi 


The Pre Luv 

Molly O’Halloran 

Bec Bridge Mohan 

Check out some of our publisher content  

Marie Claire   




Missing Perspectives  


Urban List   

Campaign creative assets 

Share the campaign creative assets with your audience. These are a small selection of the broader creative you’ll see live in market.

Download creative assets.  

Campaign video 

Watch and share the campaign video, which aims to increase awareness and understanding of the dangers of suntanning, as well as urge Australians to #EndTheTrend. 

If you would like to download our campaign video, please contact us at