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Campaign Hub

In-language resources for the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program Campaign.

Campaign Hub

Cancer Council has developed resources with information about bowel cancer screening in several community languages. 

For information and support in your language contact Cancer Council 13 11 20 and they can direct you to translation services. Alternatively you can call the Telephone Interpreter Service (TIS) on 131 450.

With your support, we can help reduce the impact of bowel cancer among all Australians. You can share these multi-lingual resources with your community to help raise awareness of the importance of bowel screening today.

Arabic | العربية

شارك هذه الموارد لتشجيع الأستراليين الناطقين بالعربية على البدء بالعمل الجاد وإجراء فحص الأمعاء.

انقر هنا لمزيد من المعلومات بالعربية

Campaign video

%90 من حالات سرطان الأمعاء يمكن معالجتها بنجاح إذا تم اكتشافها مبكرًا. (15s)

سرطان الأمعاء ثاني أكبر سرطان قاتل في أستراليا. (30s)

سرطان الأمعاء ثاني أكبر سرطان قاتل في أستراليا.

If you would like to download our campaign video, please contact us at 

Simplified Chinese | 中文




Campaign video

如能及早检测发现,肠癌治愈率可达 90% (15s)

肠癌是澳洲第二大癌症杀手 (30s)


If you would like to download our campaign video, please contact us at 

Traditional Chinese | 繁體中文




Campaign video

如果及早發現,90% 的腸癌病例都可以成功治愈 (15s)

腸癌是澳洲第二大癌症殺手 (30s)


If you would like to download our campaign video, please contact us at 

Greek | Ελληνικά

Μοιραστείτε αυτούς τους πόρους για να ενθαρρύνετε τους Ελληνοαυστραλούς να δραστηριοποιηθούν και να κάνουν την ανιχνευτική τους εξέταση εντέρου. 

Το τεστ προσυμπτωματικού ελέγχου του παχέος εντέρου είναι δωρεάν και μπορεί να γίνει απλά και γρήγορα στο σπίτι.

Κάντε το σήμερα και σώστε τη ζωή σας.

Italian | Italiano

Condividi queste risorse per incoraggiare gli italo-australiani a non aspettare a fare il test per il tumore intestinale.

Il cancro dell'intestino è uno dei tumori più comuni, tuttavia il 90% può essere trattato con successo se rilevato in tempo.

È possibile che il cancro dell'intestino non mostri sintomi, quindi fai il test.

In partnership with the Australian Government Department of Health, we’re encouraging Australians aged 45 to 74 to Get2it and participate in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program (NBCSP).