Clinical Guidelines

Lung cancer treatment

Clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of lung cancer

The first Australian evidence-based “Clinical guidelines for the prevention, diagnosis and management of lung cancer” were published in a paperback format in 2004 with endorsement by the National Health and Medical Research Council. Since then, the lung cancer evidence base has grown almost exponentially, particularly in the area of treatment. By 2010, a revision was long overdue and it was recognised that the printed format was unsuited to keeping pace with the regular stream of new knowledge. The solution proposed by Cancer Council Australia (CCA) was a web accessible electronic version of the guidelines in a “wiki” format that would allow editing and updating by expert standing committees as soon as new evidence became available.

In a project commissioned by Cancer Australia (CA), CCA undertook to develop a sustainable web-based wiki platform with revised guidelines for the treatment of lung cancer as the first topic.

Clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of lung cancer

*Note: If you experience difficulty accessing this guideline please contact us on